Partner with us
Your church, business or community group could help us make a real difference in the local community.

Join our team of over 200 regular volunteers!
We can't do this alone.
Our heart is to see a Cardiff where everyone has enough to afford the essentials, and Foodbanks are a thing of the past. But we know we can’t do that on our own. We want to work together with local businesses, places of worship and community groups to see this happen.
What people say about their day with us:

It was great – better than I expected it to be. Everyone left feeling a great sense of achievement and that they had in some small way helped to make a difference.
How to get involved
We’ve created a new mutually beneficial partnership programme to allow those who have the same heart as us, to get opportunity and access to our work as they support us. Here’s how it’ll work:

If you’re interested in how your group could partner with Cardiff Foodbank, have a look below at the ways that you could get involved:

Have we piqued your interest? Here are the next steps to becoming a Partner with Cardiff Foodbank and working together towards a hunger-free Cardiff.