28 Jul 16
Charity of the year – Eversheds Cardiff
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Cardiff Foodbank was thrilled to learn it was to be one of four charities to be supported by Eversheds Cardiff office this year. Support such as this means a lot to the foodbank as the skills and knowledge we can gain through this relationship is invaluable, not to mention the donations of food and funds which […]
26 Jul 16
Out of a negative came a positive
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One women’s Foodbank experience I came into work on a Thursday morning to *Simone’s email asking if she would be able to get a foodbank voucher. This is not unusual as more and more people have heard about foodbanks but don’t always know how to go about getting our help. I replied to Simone […]
26 Jul 16
Holiday Hunger
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A Trussell Trust report reveals the worries of having to pay for childcare and food during the six-week break. The charity said demand on its 35 food banks in Wales peak during July and August, when there is no access to school dinners or breakfast clubs. see the BBC fetaure here
14 Jul 16
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Two of our volunteers handing out shopping lists & dating food. Generous Tesco customers have set the bar high in Cardiff by donating food for an incredible 20,814 meals during the eighth Neighbourhood Food Collection. The collection took place between 30th June – 2nd July 2016, in partnership with Tesco and charity partners The Trussell […]
31 May 16
National Tesco Collections – 30th June-2nd July – Can you help?
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Our National Tesco supermarket collections are coming up on Thursday 30th June, Friday 1st July and Saturday 2nd July. We will be at Tescos Western Avenue, Culverhouse Cross and St Mellons for the three days. We will need a lot of volunteers to cover these three days and as ever we are looking for folks […]
26 May 16
Report on Fuelbank – Made in Cardiff TV
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24 May 16
It was a wonderful experience on a very dark day
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We received some lovely feedback from a client this week. Its great to hear the difference our service makes to peoples lives. I went to The City Temple, I was immediately offered a beverage and welcomed, explained how food bank works, had a gentleman from the council see if he could he assist with […]
24 May 16
Cardiff opens the first Fuelbank in Wales
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Yesterday we launched the first Fuelbank in Wales. Working in partnership with NPower and the Trussell Trust we are now able to offer eligible clients vouchers for fuel alongside their food parcels. This enables us to relieve the choice between eating and heating that so many families face when in financial crisis. We […]
15 Apr 16
Foodbank Use at all time High – ITV News
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ITV news article highlighting the record numbers using foodbanks across Wales.
15 Apr 16
1,109,309 3 day Emergency Supplies provided across the UK in 2015/16
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Trussell Trust Foodbanks across the country have provided 1,109,309 emergency food supplies in 2015/16. Cardiff Foodbank provided 12078 of these parcels across the city this represent a 12% increase on the previous year and shows that our service is still in demand. We provide a parcel containing food for 3 days, the parcels have been […]